Drivers Demand: The Right to Earn Extra Income Through Roof-Top Advertising

30 Oct 2019

Target: New York City Council

Workers win when we unite and fight. Last year IDG members organized and won a landmark minimum pay and transparency law, and two years ago we forced Uber and Lyft to provide an app-based tipping option through TLC rules.  Now, we are fighting to win our Drivers’ Bill of Rights and City Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez has put forward the first proposal responding to our calls: the ability to earn extra income from rooftop advertising so that we can provide for our families.

Council Member Rodriguez, Chairman of the City Council’s Transportation Committee, has introduced legislation (Int. 1738) to help drivers earn up to an extra $300 per month through rooftop advertising on their For-Hire Vehicle (FHV).  The IDG demands the Council pass this bill right away.

If passed, Int. 1738 will:

  • Provide up to $300 per month ($3,600 annually) in additional income for eligible struggling drivers – without driving any additional hours;

  • Prevent the TLC from suddenly changing its policy on FHV advertising, which has taken away this income from dozens of drivers who received permits this year; and

  • Ensure equal treatment so that FHV drivers can directly benefit from this additional income in the same way that medallion taxis are able to.

We urge every Council Member that supports hard-working drivers in their districts to co-sponsor and vote for Intro 1738 immediately.  This bill is an immediate action that the City Council must take as part of enacting IDG’s Drivers’ Bill of Rights.

You can review a detailed fact sheet on Intro 1738 and Rooftop Advertising here and the bill text here. Support our common-sense demands, sign our petition, and tell your fellow drivers by sharing this on Facebook, Twitter and other social media!
