On Tipping

07 Jul 2017

For the past year, IDG members like yourself have been fighting for a tipping option. Here is the timeline of our campaign:

  • May 2016 IDG launched as a Machinists Union affiliate representing and advocating for app-based drivers.
  • June 2016 Guild surveyed drivers on priorities and drivers selected tipping as top issue to bring to the first Uber works council meeting, but the company resisted.
  • July 2016 Guild launched a public campaign to pressure the company (online petition over 11,000 signatures, flyers, bar napkins, social media ads, stickers in cars).
  • July 2016 Guild first gave public comment to TLC in support of pay regulations.
  • February 2017 Uber still refused to budge on tipping, so IDG petitioned the TLC for tipping option rule and called for broader pay protection.
  • Feb-April 2017 Guild intensified the advocacy campaign driving 800 calls and thousands of emails to TLC; won the support of elected officials including a sign on letter with elected officials and community organizations. Finally, we produced two videos comparing the lack of a tipping option to other industries. Those videos were viewed by over 50,000 people.
  • April 2017 TLC hearing – IDG members made a case for tipping and pay protection regulation (60 drivers attended to address TLC and flyer the event).
  • April 2017 VICTORY TLC responded that it sides with IDG in favor of tipping rule and also agreed broader pay regulation should be taken up.
  • May 30, 2017 TLC officially proposed rule language requiring tipping option.
  • June 6, 2017 NYC City Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez introduced legislation to require in-app tipping option with hearing scheduled for June 22.
  • June 15, 2017 Along with Long Haul Fares and a raise, workers voted for the tipping option to be a top-three issue for the June Works Council meeting.
  • June 20, 2017 Uber announced it would enable in-app tipping nationwide by the end of July.
  • June 21, 2017 Works Council meeting. Guild members told Uber $1, $2, $5 option is unacceptable.
  • June 22, 2017 IDG testified at New York City Council hearing on tipping legislation.
  • July 6, 2017 Uber added tipping option in NYC.

The campaign isn’t over yet. We still want to win the taxi-style rules where the tipping options have to be 20%, 25%, 30% or “other.” Join us on Sunday to get organized for the TLC hearing about the tipping rule on July 13th.

IDG General Meeting

July 9th, 2017, 12:00 PM

456 Johnson Ave, Unit 412, Brooklyn

RSVP here

Join us as a dues-paying member at http://IDG.ms/JOIN to keep the wins coming.