On Healthcare

07 Jul 2017

We may have suffered a setback, but with so many uninsured IDG members, the issue isn’t lack of need. By no means are we giving up this battle. Here’s what you can do right now:

Join Us at the Next General Meeting

Healthcare and pay regulations will be the centerpieces of our July 9th meeting. We’ll discuss details of where we go from here, and more you can do to push healthcare over the finish line.

IDG General Meeting

July 9th, 2017, 12:00 PM

456 Johnson Ave, Unit 412, Brooklyn

RSVP here

Take Our Survey on Healthcare and Pay Regulations

Cost is a barrier and as a result, we’re redoubling our efforts to win pay regulations and New York Council’s Intro 1301. These measures will put more money in your pocket and help ease the cost of healthcare. Throughout the summer, we’ll be asking members to fill out this survey to evaluate interest in healthcare and collect the necessary data to push forward the argument for pay regulations.

Please take the survey and send it to your fellow drivers now.

Join us as a dues-paying member at http://IDG.ms/JOIN to keep the wins coming.
