June Works Council Survey

15 Jun 2017

We work to bring working drivers together to build power. One of our early wins was forcing Uber to give workers a direct line to Uber management to discuss the collective issues that are important to IDG members like you. We call the group of workers that meet with Uber the “Works Council.”

Let us know what issues are most important to you. The top three options will be represented by your fellow drivers at the Works Council meeting.

Some of the topics of this survey are:

  • Tipping: Add the tipping option to the app before the TLC mandates it. Put an added feature after the ride to give, 20%, 25%, 30% or other—and riders should be able to choose a flat tip (like 25%) across all rides so they don’t have to choose.
  • Mile/Minute/Base pay rates must be increased.
  • Long Haul Fare: Fare should double when leaving NYC.
  • UberPOOL: workers should be able to opt-out, POOL rating shouldn’t go against general rating, pickups are often on the bus lane side of the street.
  • Seniority bonus: Give the drivers a $1,000 bonus for every 1,000 rides and give drivers a bonus on rides already completed in the past when you institute this policy.
  • Destination Filter: Increase the number of destination trips we can do in a day, count destination trips towards promotions.

These issues were chosen openly and with the steward council over the last few weeks. The survey closes Sunday, June 18 at 9AM. Only New York City TLC licensed drivers’ votes will count.

Let us know what we should discuss, and what Guild organizers should focus on.


Independent Drivers Guild

The Independent Drivers Guild is a Machinists Union affiliate representing app-based drivers. We are Uber, Lyft, Via, Juno, Gett workers united for a fair for-hire vehicle industry.
