Input needed: November driver council meeting with Uber

23 Nov 2016

The Guild exists to give you and your fellow working drivers a direct line to Uber management to discuss the issues with your working conditions that are important to you.

Take a short survey and let us know what issues are most important to you. The most popular options will be represented by your fellow drivers at the Works Council meeting.

Here are some of the issues and ideas drivers have brought up with us in the past few weeks:

  • There should be due process like a transparent appeals process when Uber responds to customer feedback (or otherwise) and issues a refund which steals money from drivers.
  • UberX drivers should be able to opt-out of UberPOOL.
  • An increased fare on long trips could help cover the costs of deadheading (when you don’t have a customer with you) back to the city.

These issues were chosen in committee meetings over the last few weeks. Poll closes Friday, 11/25 at 5PM. Only New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission licensed drivers may vote.

Take this short poll and let us know what we should discuss.
