Healthcare Bill Vote

27 Sep 2016

In our last survey to IDG members, 36.6% said they do not have healthcare insurance.

It is appalling that in one of the most wealthy cities in America, the people responsible for the safe transportation of over 200,000 people per day don’t have access to affordable health insurance.

The New York City Council is working to fix that. Follow this link to let us know if the IDG should support their efforts.

The City Council is proposing a bill to pay the costs of healthcare benefits and expenses through a uniform surcharge on top of For Hire Vehicle fares. This bill authorizes the Taxi and Limousine Commission to research the necessary amount of the surcharge and will authorize an agency to administer the funds.

What does that mean for you? Potentially free healthcare. Let us know if you support it here.

The Independent Drivers Guild is reaching out you, our members, to see if more than two-thirds of you support or oppose this proposed bill.
