Tell Lyft to follow the rules and raise driver pay.

31 Mar 2022
IDG coat

Target: Lyft CEOs


After years of fighting for a living minimum wage, IDG drivers won a nearly $10,000 annual raise. The TLC agreed these companies can’t continue to get richer while drivers struggle to get by. But just two days before our long overdue pay raise, Lyft sued to say they just can’t afford it.


This attack on working New Yorkers is unacceptable. Together, we will fight this injustice and expose your greed and malicious indifference to the needs of those who make your company a success. Stop this lawsuit, implement the pay raise, and respect the drivers who are making you rich.


*Uber, Juno, and Via have been removed from this petition as they committed to comply with the law.


Sign the Petition
