FHV Drivers Need A Bathroom at JFK

31 Mar 2022
IDG coat

Target: Port Authority


There’s a problem that For Hire Vehicle drivers have been trying to address for years – there’s no place for drivers to use the bathroom at JFK.

While drivers are waiting to pick up passengers, sometimes for quite a while as customers make their way through one of the world’s busiest airports, there is no safe, clean place to use the bathroom.


Add your name to my petition telling the Port Authority that Drivers like me need a safe place to use the bathroom!

It’s a grim situation in the waiting lot. Half-filled bottles of questionable origin and odor litter the cell phone lot, where the only place to go to the bathroom currently is a section of the parking lot where there are a few anemic bushes.


The lack of clean, accessible bathrooms is a problem throughout the city. Drivers have been bringing this up with rideshare companies and the Port Authority for years. It seems that there is finally some movement on this issue , but we need your help to get this done. The powers that be need to hear from you!


Sign the petition: add a bathroom to the JFK cell phone lot.

As FHV drivers, we are proud of the work we do and the professional service we provide to our customers. Yet this is a daily indignity that the drivers who service JFK have to endure. An indignity that we can change if we stand together.

