On Creating a Benefits Fund for NYC's FHV Drivers

23 Jan 2018

Comment from Independent Drivers Guild founder Jim Conigliaro, Jr.:

We are pleased to see Washington state’s SEIU Local 775 and Uber’s Mr. Khosrowshahi collaborate on principles toward getting workers the benefits they deserve.

In New York, the Independent Drivers Guild has led discussions with city and state officials about the creation of a benefits fund for drivers through company contributions or a surcharge. Such a fund would give drivers access to benefits that would protect the public health, save public spending, and make our streets safer, such as paid sick leave, health or vision plans.

We call on Mr. Khosrowshahi to support the Guild’s ongoing efforts to establish a benefits fund in New York as we work to create a model for more fair working conditions for contract workers.


The Guild is an IAMAW affiliate representing more than 60,000 New York City app-based drivers. We are Uber, Lyft, Via and Juno workers united for a fair for-hire vehicle industry.
